This Adidas advert from the 2008 Bejing Olympics shows a form of Narcissistic Identification, this is common for sporting products as it is a highly effective way of reaching male audiences.
This Hugo Boss perfume advert uses Extra Diagetic Gaze, the actress in the shot gazes out at the viewer as though to entice them. It could also be argued that this example also includes, Narcissistic identification, and socophilia. Women want to identify with the beauty of the actress and the low buttoned shirt as she reclines on the couch makes her appear sexually inviting.
This Yves Saint Laurent Advert is an example of Socophillia, the naked woman reclining seductively on silk, creates the pleasure in looking.
Suture is present in a number of the Apple adverts. This first person perspective allows the viewer to imagine it is they that are holding and playing with the iphone. This creates a feeling of ownership, despite never having touched one, it is also a good way of showcasing the products features.
This Chanel No.5 advert is a good example of Intra Diagetic gaze. The two characters in the advert constantly catch each other gaze and we are drawn into this romantic world. In this case the use of the intra diagetic gaze creates an emotion that although the viewer is not involved in they also feel.
This Dolce and Gabbana advert uses a combination of Narcisstic identification, Intra diagetic gaze, and socophilia.
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